Kaitlyn Mccoy

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Hello! My name is Kaitlyn and I am a 23-year-old mom of a crazy and awesome toddler who is my entire world. I am obsessed with coffee, Harry Potter, and RPG games like Skyrim and Fallout. I am also a Netflix binger who loves everything from Orange is the New Black to intense horror films.

5 reasons we heart Chandler Riggs, from his music to love of video games

Kaitlyn Mccoy

20 reasons we still love the magic of Mulan 20 years later

Kaitlyn Mccoy

We finally know what Pam said to Michael for their goodbye on The Office

Kaitlyn Mccoy

The Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer is here and we have to talk about it

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Celebrities are sharing their memories of Avicii after learning of his death

Kaitlyn Mccoy

The limit does not exist for how much we love Tina Fey surprising Mean Girls fans

Kaitlyn Mccoy

New images surface of live-action Titans characters and they are interesting to say the least

Kaitlyn Mccoy

The Mulan live-action movie casts Rogue One’s Donnie Yen and more

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Ryan Reynolds gets unofficially adopted by John Krasinski and Emily Blunt after seeing A Quiet Place

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Anne Hathaway shuts down body shamers on Instagram

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Maggie Smith and other Harry Potter actors will return for the series’ mobile game

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Deadpool has a special message for you: Fight cancer and win his special pink suit

Kaitlyn Mccoy

5 major reasons why we love Robert Downey Jr.

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Jay-Z talks to David Letterman about his mom coming out: ‘I was so happy for her’

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Andrew Lincoln spills on The Walking Dead’s ‘epic’ season finale

Kaitlyn Mccoy

Jennifer Garner’s pet chicken Regina George passed away, and we’re mourning with her

Kaitlyn Mccoy