Real-life Avenger Don Cheadle sticks up for Brie Larson after body language criticism


Don Cheadle responded to a video criticizing his Avengers: Endgame co-star actress Brie Larson, and we’re so happy for friends like Cheadle.

It seems that Brie Larson can’t escape relentless criticisms since she first became Captain Marvel. Before Captain Marvel was even released, trolls were gunning to give the film terrible reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, leading to a change in policy that wouldn’t allow user reviews until after a movie is released. But for all the bad that trolls wished upon Captain Marvel, the film still became a box office hit, surpassing $1 billion at the box office.

All these weeks later, another criticism for Larson has arisen. As mentioned by, this time around, it’s a body language expert attacking the actress in a YouTube analysis video of Brie Larson’s Avengers: Endgame interview alongside Chris Hemsworth and Don Cheadle.

In the body language expert’s voiceover, from the channel Body Language Ghost, she claims that Larson is stiff in the interview because she’s trying to dominate the other actors. She also goes on to say that Larson is immature and unprofessional based on her admitting that she did her own stunts. Lastly, she claims that Larson was giving Hemsworth “bedroom eyes” because she craved acceptance.

At the same time, the body language expert’s overall audacious commentary doesn’t harshly attack any of the males in the video. Neither Cheadle nor Hemsworth were overly enthusiastic in the video, but that didn’t seem to be a problem to the reviewer. However, Larson was expected to be excessively cheerful and most of all “humble.” The voiceover, at one point, claimed that Larson was looking down at Cheadle for looking in his direction with her chin slightly lowered.

The expert even begged the audience listening to raise “humble” children so they wouldn’t come out as bold as Larson. Based on what Body Language Ghost said, it seems that just glancing over at Cheadle while he spoke somehow reveals that Larson has a superiority complex.

Given the heavy criticism and attacks against Larson, it would appear at this point that a woman asserting herself in a male-dominated area is what rubs people the wrong way. It’s a double standard behavior that some have praised from her Endgame co-star Robert Downey Jr., who’s been loved for years for his assertive characterization of Tony Stark.

Cheadle saw the YouTube video and responded to the body expert’s claims on Twitter, laughing off what Body Language Ghost had to say.

Cheadle was not having anyone talk about Larson on his watch. He made it his business to defend Larson, and in divulging that her body language in the video was actually to accommodate someone else, he exposed the video as nothing short of ludicrous.

Cheadle’s explanation is a drastically different representation of Larson to the conceited portrayal the body language expert try to construct. But how serious should we really take a body language expert who says she didn’t even know the names of the actors in the video?

Next. 7 mysteries that remain after Endgame. dark

Cheadle lashing out at the YouTube review won’t stop trolls or the sexist constructs that women are judged by, but it’s comforting to know that women like Larson have real friends who are willing to defend them.