Dave Bautista joins the Marvel stars who probably should be told nothing


Here we thought Tom Holland would keep the crown of Marvel’s worst spoiler, but it seems as though Dave Bautista is mounting an Avengers-4-sized challenge.

Marvel as a whole excels at keeping things quiet. Marvel’s stars do not have the same skills. We’ve talked plenty of times about Tom Holland, but he’s not the only offender. As CBR notes in its find of this Collider article, Dave Bautista’s just the latest in a long line of Marvel stars giving spoilers: he’s back for both Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Avengers 4.

Come on! Even Holland kept those kinds of things quiet, and he’s got Spider-Man: Homecoming‘s sequel on his plate!

CBR transcribes the relevant portions of the interview as follows: “Yeah, but somehow I’m going to make it because, as far as I know, I am going to be in Guardians 3, so I have to be back.” He also dropped the other big Marvel movie and that he’s in it.

This really isn’t a surprise, but it isn’t even June yet! We were expecting everyone to hold out until July at the very least, since Marvel hype will ramp back up to some extent for Ant-Man and the Wasp. Bautista just jumped the gun a little.

Who else will drop some inadvertent plot points? Honestly, we won’t even offer bets on Holland, Sebastian Stan, or Mark Ruffalo. Let’s hope for someone completely wild to drop news of their revival or survival … if Tom Hiddleston could maybe come back and reverse everyone’s sadness at losing Loki, that’d be really lovely, but it’s probably the longest shot of all.

Next: Is Mark Hamill joining the MCU now?

For now, we’ll just have to content ourselves with knowing that one of the Guardians of the Galaxy will be back at it. We’re just not sure how Drax could ever top “Why is Gamora?” as a line, though.