
5 reasons readers shouldn’t pass up A Heart In A Body In The World

Amanda Mullen

3 reasons sci-fi lovers should add Mecha Samurai Empire to their reading piles ASAP

Dare You to Lie is maybe a little too daring for its own good

3 ways The Mystery of Three Quarters will keep you engaged

Fresh Ink: The top 3 stories in the new YA anthology

Cheryl Wassenaar

#MurderTrending has a great concept but feels destined to be dated

Cheryl Wassenaar

All These Beautiful Strangers makes for a pretty killer debut

Cheryl Wassenaar

4 reasons Providence is a perfectly strange novel

Cheryl Wassenaar

7 things to look forward to while reading Morgan Matson’s Save the Date

Amanda Mullen

4 Marvel novel reissues hope to help you pass the time between films

Cheryl Wassenaar

From Twinkle, with Love is the perfect lighthearted summer read

Amanda Mullen

3 reasons you may like Armistice, as told by someone who didn’t like it

Cheryl Wassenaar

7 Riverdale books we’d totally read

Kimberley Spinney

What I Leave Behind is quick but comes with a strong message

Amanda Mullen

A Baby’s Bones has potential, but takes a while to get started

Cheryl Wassenaar

Royals is the perfect way to start off a summer

Cheryl Wassenaar

Tradition is a book that’s willing to go there when it comes to sexism

Amanda Mullen

Stay Sweet is cute, albeit somewhat strangely detached

Cheryl Wassenaar

A Breath After Drowning doesn’t play around

Cheryl Wassenaar

Emergency Contact: 6 reasons this is one of the best young adult releases of 2018

Amanda Mullen

Review: The Place Between Breaths, An Na

Amanda Mullen

Review: American Panda by Gloria Chao

Ceillie Simkiss

The Last to Let Go: 5 reasons this February release is a must-read

Amanda Mullen

Review: Weave a Circle Round, Kari Maaren

Ceillie Simkiss

The Muppets and the Phantom of the Opera don’t quite mix (Review)

Cheryl Wassenaar

An Excess Male author Maggie Shen King talks dystopia, inspiration, and expanding a short story

Cheryl Wassenaar

Uncanny, by David Macinnis Gill, is scarily paced

Cheryl Wassenaar

Teresa Palmer and Matthew Goode are coming to a TV set near you

Rachel Leishman