Crowley and Aziraphale’s friendship is the heart and soul of Good Omens


Based on a book from 1990, Good Omens is an apocalyptic tale with an angel and a demon at its heart. And truly it is Crowley and Aziraphale who make this show work (and shine).

Sitting down to watch Good Omens is not only a study in the apocalypse, but also in unlikely friendships. At the very heart of the story are an angel and a demon. Aziraphale is an angel played by Michael Sheen, while Crowley is a demon played by David Tennant.

From the very beginning of Good Omens, it becomes clear that these two have been unlikely friends since the start of time, even if they might not see it that way. After all, when you start the series with an angel and a demon observing Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden and discussing the things they did to make this happen, you know there is going to be more to their story.

There’s even an entire episode dedicated to their relationship. Not only do we see them together at the Garden of Eden, but we also get to see them in Ancient Roman times and Britain during the Arthurian period.

Over the course of history, these two have been at each other’s side and in each other’s ear. And while they may be on the opposite side of things, that doesn’t mean that they haven’t built the kind of friendship that lasts. In fact, once Crowley delivers the anti-Christ to a convent in order to make a baby swap, his first call is to none other than Aziraphale.

When you think about how long these two have not only known each other, but had a relationship of some sort, it actually makes sense that Crowley’s first call would be to Aziraphale. And then when these two plot a way to stop the apocalypse together, we don’t question it. Perhaps what makes their relationship work so well is the fact that it is established immediately.

We know these two have a history, so we don’t doubt their friendship. And looking at how these two operate together, it doesn’t have the feel of a simple friendship between two opposites. Instead, it almost feels like a marriage of sorts.

Even as Aziraphale tries to deny that he and Crowley are friends, you can tell that even he doesn’t believe himself.

It is so much fun watching these two riff off of each other because there is plenty of chemistry between these two characters (and actors). There is something captivating about watching the prim and proper angel working alongside a fast and loose demon.

Knowing how long these two have known each other acts as a basis for our understanding of how this relationship works, but what sells it and makes it the heart and soul of Good Omens stems from watching these two work together to save the world.

These two men know everything about each other. Like any good best friend, each man knows what makes the other one tick, while also knowing the good and bad qualities that the other possesses. After all, Crowley knew exactly what to use to convince Aziraphale to work with him to stop the apocalypse (his books and tea of course).

And sure these two often bicker with each other and argue over the little things, but at the end of the day, they never actively try to hurt each other. Instead, these two are more likely to nag or pick on each other. However, it is the fact that there is some obvious respect between Aziraphale and Crowley that just makes this entire relationship shine.

Without these two at the heart of Good Omens, it doesn’t feel like this story would work even half as well. Aziraphale and Crowley really are the heart of the story and they give it the heart, humor, and soul that it needs to sell the end of times.

light. Related Story. Good Omens: Everything you need to know about season 1

Even with God, the Devil, the anti-christ, and other angels and demons, it is Aziraphale and Crowley who steal the show and every scene they appear in. And of course, seeing them bungle their way through trying to stop the apocalypse is what true entertainment is all about.

Good Omens starts streaming on Amazon Prime as of May 31, which means you’ll get to see how this friendship shines throughout the entire series in no time.