Game of Thrones: 3 theories why Jaime decided to leave Brienne

Over the course of Game of Thrones, there have been a number of relationships that have fallen apart or developed. And Jaime and Brienne is one that has done both.

Back in season 2 of Game of Thrones, Jaime and Brienne met for the first time. Since that first meeting, their relationship has developed into one that we wanted to see come to fruition (after all, it would be nice to see Jaime in a healthy relationship). And in the fourth episode of the final season, those who have shipped this couple from the start were treated to something pretty special.

Jaime and Brienne finally had their moment.

These two knights finally answered the question of will they or won’t they. And yes, they did. It felt like things were finally turning around for Jaime. He even chose to stay behind in Winterfell as people like Arya, Jon Snow, and Daenerys headed off to King’s Landing for a confrontation with his sister, Cersei.

But then when news came that Daenerys’ dragon Rhaegal had been killed and Missandei had been captured and beheaded, basically everything fell apart. If you really watch Jaime’s face as he learns the news, you can see it fall. Here is a man who seems to come to a massive realization — and it is not a good one.

Jaime decides to leave Brienne and head to King’s Landing, “for Cersei” as he tells her. While Brienne tries to stop Jaime by telling him he is a good man who does not have to do this, he is quick to reveal three awful things he has done in the name of Cersei. He even tells Brienne that while his sister is hateful, so is he. (I, for one, don’t believe Jaime is hateful, I think he is damaged.)

In this moment I came up with my first theory as to what Jaime was doing. And while I have three different theories, I truly think the first one is the most likely.

Jaime is actually headed for King’s Landing to kill Cersei

Jaime could be taking a cue from Tyrion, who pushed Shae, a prostitute he fell in love with, aay from him in order to save her life. (Granted, we all saw how that turned out and who she was really loyal to.)

Jaime could very well be going on a suicide mission to take out his sister. In order to do this, he has to push Brienne away in order to keep her safe. In the past, Jaime has pointed out “the things I do for love,” and it would make sense that this is something he would do for Brienne (walking away to deal with Cersei on his own, while leaving her behind to make sure she is not a target).

Jaime may be the only person who can kill Cersei, although we do think Arya could be the answer as well. And if he wants to move on with his life in a potentially healthy way, being the one to end Cersei’s reign would be the best way to make that happen. Plus, if he died doing it, at least he would know that Brienne was safe when everything went down.

Jaime’s simply scared of Cersei

Now, Jaime could also want to abandon Winterfell because he knows that Cersei will destroy a lot of people to keep her claim to the Iron Throne. Now, whether he is heading to King’s Landing or not is up for debate. But I could easily see him heading there to stand at Cersei’s side knowing that she is more likely to win after taking down one of the dragons. That being said, this theory doesn’t feel quite right in light of his current story arc that has seen him slowly redeeming himself for his past actions.

Jaime can’t move on from his past

Finally, Jaime might just truly have issues with himself. After everything he has done in his life, it would be hard to deny that he is very self-loathing. Even though he has tried to do the right thing, which even garnered him the unfair moniker of Kingslayer, it feels like Jaime is self-sabotaging himself.

There are plenty of tragic characters on Game of Thrones, but Jaime is definitely at the top of the list. Trying to do the right thing did not serve him well. Plus growing up, he developed an unhealthy relationship with his twin sister that has twisted his decision-making abilities. It’s caused him to do horrible things that he seems to now regret and question, causing him to go through a horrible cycle of guilt.

If we look at Jaime in this light, we could easily see him wanting to leave Winterfell because he feels responsible for what Cersei has become. He is pushing Brienne away because he truly does not feel worthy of her and her love.

Game of Thrones has made happiness seem impossible. And with a character like Jaime, even the idea of redemption seems difficult. Perhaps there is still hope for Brienne and Jaime, but even if they never come together again, at least they finally had their moment together, as it was beautiful and well-deserved for both of them.

Why do you think Jaime left Brienne? Do you think he is going on a suicide mission? Tell us what you think in the comments.