Avengers: Endgame characters: Who will die and who will survive?

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He may have the most menacing cinematic finger snap since the Jets in West Side Story, but Thanos’ delusions of grandeur are truly of planetary proportions, and that never ends well does it? When you’ve got this many Avengers on your back, and you’ve upset Captain America, you can’t expect to get away with it for long.

Endgame is going to give us plenty of surprises but we doubt Thanos’ escape will be one them. Sorry to the Thanos-thirsters especially.

Chance of survival: Low

Steve Rogers / Captain America

We know Chris Evans has already said a sort-of goodbye to the role of Cap; there’s a finality to his tweets that had the whole world’s Cap-loving hearts clenching. This, mixed with the fact that Steve Rogers is the most self-sacrificing hero with a savior complex as big as his biceps, does not bode well for fans hoping he’ll get through Endgame in one piece.

Simply put: Goodbye, Brooklyn’s rose.

Chance of survival: He’s a goner.

Tony Stark / Iron Man

Tony is in much the same position as his aforementioned pal Steve. The door seems to be closing on our Phase One heroes, and Tony has lost too many people to not put himself on the line now. He’ll save Peter Parker or die trying — probably both, if we’re honest.

He has a marginally better chance of survival than Cap, simply because Robert Downey Jr./Tony Stark (we see no difference) is perfectly placed for the odd cameo, with fingers in many a relationship pie. But still, it’s probably best to ready the tissues.

Chance of survival: Prepare your goodbyes.

Hank Pym

Hank Pym fully hits Marvel’s sweet spot: a character who is important to a central group of beloved fan-favorites (namely Ant-Man and the Wasp), but not important enough that killing him off will overshadow the biggest emotional punches of the movie and muddy the plot.

Chance of survival: Not great, Bob.


We’re concerned that Infinity War spent too long trying to get us on board with the relationship between this oddly rubbery AI and sweet Wanda to kill him now. But if we have to sit through one more movie of Wanda calling Vision “Vis,” we’re going to write some strongly worded letters. It is a terrible nickname and more than enough to render a character expendable in our eyes.

It could go either way (he is, after all, an android and can be rebuilt), but we’re not terribly optimistic. If anything saves him, it’ll be Wanda.

Chance of survival: His battery is low, and it’s getting dark.