15 adorable and super famous pets

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Orlando Bloom and Mighty

According to Orlando Bloom, he has always been a dog lover, and he has no problem letting people know this. On his Instagram, the actor shared a throw back picture back in March in which he shared a picture of his younger self holding an English Bull Terrier named Maud. In his caption he straight up tells his followers that he has never not loved dogs.

And that love of dogs is clear when he shares pictures with his current pup, Mighty. In fact, there are any number of pictures with Bloom featuring Mighty, whether he is with his son, on set, or even just out and about. Of course, there are even pictures of just Mighty being adorable, and really that’s the best thing ever.

Mighty is not the only dog in Bloom’s life; there is also Nugget. Even so, it’s clear that Mighty really is his love. In fact, the pup has even joined him at the racetrack and has his own set of hashtags courtesy of his famous father. From #MightyMonday and #MightyMondays to the simple #Mighty, Bloom has no problem giving the spotlight over to his pup.

We love seeing our favorite actors loving their pets, and it is clear that Bloom adores his pup. And the fact that Mighty pops up on Katy Perry’s Instagram as well is a clear reminder that this famous couple is just as into their pets as they are each other.

I know I love seeing the posts from Bloom featuring his adorable pup. Any time Mighty shows up over on Perry’s Instagram, it just seems even cuter and more adorable.