7 2017 celebrities who deserve to star in 2018

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2017 was a tough year, to say the least. Some stars helped to make it a little better, and they deserve to have big successes in 2018. Happy New Year!

A reality star became our president. The #MeToo revolution revealed terrible truths about sexual harassment and assault around the country. 2017 had the most active hurricane season in history, and terrible wildfires throughout California. Officials left their positions at the White House like Bravo’s Real Housewives leave cocktail parties. White supremacists showed their faces in places like Charlottesville. Las Vegas became a shooting ground.

In the spirit of resolutions, Culturess is looking at the sparse parts of 2017 we actually liked. These can come in the form of reviewing the year in pop culture or even talking about the eclipse, but it can also come in talking about some of the people who made 2017 more bearable, and therefore deserve breakout roles for their ability to distract us from some of the harshest realities society faced this past year.

The following seven people deserve to star in our 2018. Give them their own movie or TV show, and we’ll gladly wish you a happy new year, confident they’ll help bring you one.