The Five Best Series Finales of All-Time: One Good medical drama tops the list

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PaleyFest LA 2024 - "Young Sheldon" / Leon Bennett/GettyImages
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1: The Good Doctor - 2017-2024

The Good Doctor concluded with the best series finale I have ever seen. It answered every question, hit on nostalgia from throughout the series, made me laugh, and cry, and left me wanting more, but also more than content with the grand finale. 

This writing team deserves an Emmy for the way they made a shortened seventh and final season potentially their best. The Show ended by jumping forward 10 years and showed Dr. Shaun Murphy giving a TED Talk with many of his peers, friends, and family in attendance. 

Some series finales leave unanswered questions or leave it up to viewers to decide where the story goes next. That is not what the team at The Good Doctor did, if a flawless series finale exists, this would be it. Although my heart is still sad Dr. Asher died in the finale season, that is a rant for another day.

My only two complaints regarding the final episode are I wish it could have been two hours, or at least commercial free. Other than those two small details, the series finale was virtually perfect.

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