See the Power Rangers Reunion from Year 5 of Brooklyn Comic Con

Power Rangers Reunion at Brooklyn Comic-Con. Image Credit to Michele Schultz.
Power Rangers Reunion at Brooklyn Comic-Con. Image Credit to Michele Schultz. /

Year 5 of Brooklyn Comic Con celebrated a 30-year Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers reunion with Walter Jones, Blake Foster, and Carla Perez. On the last day of the weekend Foster, Jones, and Perez reunited 30 years in seated on a panel to express openly appreciation to the fans as well as their experiences.

"We got to give it to the fans," Jones said. "We wouldn't be here if wasn't for the amazing, loving fans in the world."

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers first began as a Japanese series and catapulted into pop culture with action figures, comic books, etc. The series ran from 1993 to 1999 with a total of 82 episodes starring Jones as The Black Ranger. Soon Jones returned to the role of The Black Ranger 30 years later, last year for the 2023 film Power Rangers: Once & Always.

The panelists discuss how has it been, kind of, coming back into the world of Power Rangers and being involved with the 30-year-anniversary.

"Um, I'd like to say, it what it took to come back into the world of Power Rangers and being involved with, I've seen the 30-year-anniversary," Jones said. "So, Power Rangers has never walked out my life, but it's always been with me in some form every day, so to come back for the 30th anniversary, it was interesting because David, and I, we've been friends for the entire time."

Jones explained when he left the show to negotiate his contract and coming back after 30 years was a closure for him. Jones openly shared about the number of projects that Jones has done after Power Rangers in addition to jumping into music.

The conversation steered into Foster's martial arts background, how he became part of Power Rangers, and Foster explained martial arts has been a foundation for him. Perez expressed her experience playing the iconic Power Ranger villain Rita Repulsa while spontaneously voicing Rita during the remainder of the panel.

Watch the full panel right here:

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