The CW Network has undergone a series of massive changes, including canceling a slew of popular shows. Audiences have wondered if their favorite remaining shows will continue on to the next season or end. But, All American fans can relax for another year as the CW Network has officially renewed the series for season 6.
Throughout the second half of season four and season five, All American has moved away from high school and continued the Vortex’s journey in college. But it is not as simple as keeping up with new classes and classmates.
Instead, All American focused on the intricacies and conflicts surrounding GAU’s football team and coach and how that connected to Olivia’s future in journalism. Season five has also pushed relationships to new limits.
Spencer and Olivia’s romance hits a conflict neither can quickly recover from, leaving them working to steady their friendship in the aftermath of an emotional breakup. Meanwhile, as one affair ends, another begins. Jordan and Layla have become one of All American’s most critical relationships.
Layla’s professional career in music has also been growing as season five takes an interest in Layla’s professional relationship with Patience and how Patience responds to her budding success.
Meanwhile, Coop has also found a new career path outside of music. Rather than express herself through song, Coop has found an interest in expressing herself through standing up for others as a lawyer.
Asher’s potential coaching career has also played an important role as he continues gaining the coach’s respect and is given new responsibilities. But, Asher has not had it entirely easy as his long-time good friend and teammate, JJ’s, inability to take off-season seriously has caused a rift between them.
But is off-season the only reason why JJ has been partying so much? Season five has also been trying to develop JJ further as well. However, given how his actions have resulted in him moving out of the beach house, there are still questions regarding if things will be patched up.
Billy has also continued his coaching success while Laura’s law firm is hitting the ground running. All American even threw Grace a wedding, acknowledging her opening the next chapter of her life.
While the second half of season 5 still has to deal with the fallout of the mid-season finale, there is no doubt that All American will deliver an ending that will allow season six to continue to build out the show.