What will the consequences be when Olivia releases her article on Coach Garrett’s illegal plays? Olivia has worked hard on this article since the beginning of season five, continually not hesitating toward outing Coach Garrett for purposefully injuring the opposing teams, even after Spencer and Jordan make it clear they are unhappy with Olivia’s articles seemingly constantly surrounding their football team.
However, while Jordan and Spencer eventually see that Olivia is right and help her get support for the article, they are on her side until Coach Garrett unexpectedly resigns on National Signing Day. While it is not confirmed how Coach Garrett knew that there was an article coming, he makes it clear he knows Olivia is behind it and informs her that releasing her report could negatively impact Spencer and Jordan’s careers.
Having Olivia’s name attached to the article is a highlighting point that would put Jordan and Spencer in the spotlight even more, which Spencer is heavily aware of.
Spencer and Jordan frantically try to get their prospects to continue their commitment to GAU after Coach Garrett’s resignation. However, where Spencer and Olivia differ is whether the article needs to be released.
Coach Garrett has stepped down. Isn’t that enough? No, it’s not. Especially as he will never face the consequences of his actions if Olivia does not release the article. Coach Garrett already has another college coaching job prospect, which would allow him to continue his behavior. Olivia, who knows that is wrong, refuses to allow that to happen when she has the power to stop it.
It is a problematic argument, especially as they are not necessarily in complete disagreement. They both know that Coach Garrett should pay for what he has done, and it should be revealed to the world how he had hurt opposing players. But the question remains whether Olivia’s name needs to be in the byline. Olivia’s name is a draw, and connecting the dots back to Spencer and Jordan may not be difficult.
Olivia continues to contemplate the potential fallout of her article, including a conversation with Billy that reaffirms the idea that Jordan and Spencer may not have it so straightforward after the article is published.
Olivia even discusses her uncertainties with her boss. Olivia wants to write the article but does not want to constantly have her articles be at the expense of those she loves. Luckily, her boss has a solution for her. Publishing the article under a pseudonym allows it to post as it is without broadcasting Olivia’s direct connection to it or Jordan and Spencer.
Although those closest to Olivia and select others know the truth, to the rest of the world, the article about Coach Garrett’s atrocities was written by Jayden Davis.

Another character dealing with consequences in “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down” is JJ. Since football season ended, JJ strayed further from keeping in shape and taking his role on the team seriously. For the most part, JJ’s lacking participation has mainly affected his friendship with Asher.
JJ’s constant partying has been isolated to show the downward spiral JJ’s friendship with Asher is having. But in “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down,” it also extends to Jordan. A conversation with Layla has Jordan thinking she may be right that JJ’s obsessive partying is a cry for help, as Jordan, Spencer, and Asher have all been busy and focused on football, leaving JJ behind to be without his friends.
It makes sense to Jordan, who is determined to try harder to be there for JJ, agreeing to a relaxed and calm night in. That is until Jordan realizes that a quiet night is just another loud and crowded fraternity party that JJ is hosting at the beach house without permission from his three roommates.
To his credit, Jordan stays mostly calm, keeping an eye on JJ but not getting in the way. He tries to discourage JJ from taking too many shots but does not necessarily prevent him from having fun. But when JJ disrespects Layla, that is where Jordan draws the line.
JJ certainly faces the consequences for his statements calling out Layla’s previous romances with Asher and Spencer along with her current one with Jordan, which, according to JJ, means JJ must be next on the list.
While fighting may not be the most productive way to handle the situation, Jordan does not let JJ’s comments go unpunished and is quick to punch him, leading to a small brawl between them.
JJ moves out of the beach house of his own accord, determining that his closest friends have all become too old for him while JJ has remained his age. However, he also claims not to regret anything he said about Layla either, so as the episode ends, JJ is not precisely on the best terms with Asher or Jordan, even though they try to convince him not to move out.
So, is JJ just enjoying being in college while stepping wildly out of bounds? Or is he spiraling? JJ’s fight with Jordan and leaving the beach house will not be the end of the growing problems between the group, but it does need to be dealt with, along with JJ understanding his wrongful behavior and how he had hurt his friends.
“Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down” discusses the consequences of people’s actions, but what happens next is the fallout following Olivia’s massive article release.
Who will face the aftermath? How will it affect Spencer, Jordan, and the GAU football program? As the consequences and aftermath come to the forefront, it may hint at some significant changes.