Legacies: “Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost” creates a new alliance

Legacies -- “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” -- Image Number: LGC408b_0638r -- Pictured (L - R): Aria Shahghasemi as Landon Kirby -- Photo: Chris Reel/The CW -- © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Legacies -- “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” -- Image Number: LGC408b_0638r -- Pictured (L - R): Aria Shahghasemi as Landon Kirby -- Photo: Chris Reel/The CW -- © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sadly for Lizzie Saltzman, it turned out that keeping her sire bond connection to Hope only resulted in being asked to do something that pushed Lizzie to the limitLegacies has pushed Hope’s actions further and further away from her humanity, and “Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost” continues that trend.

Although Hope initially wanted to discover Aurora’s plan and kill her, she decided against a quicker course of action. Instead, Hope took amusement in torturing Aurora for information and out of revenge for Aurora’s body-switching stunt.

Hope’s actions force Lizzie to the brink. Lizzie had listened as Aurora divulged her plan to the Heretic, believing her to be Aurora’s long-passed brother, Tristan. Hope uses the sire bond to force Lizzie to stake Aurora through the heart. However, having a change of heart herself, Lizzie uses the sheer force of will to go against Hope’s commands, preventing Aurora’s death and betraying Hope in the process, snapping her neck to save Aurora.

Lizzie and Aurora’s following conversation gives more depth to Aurora’s character, as they find a connection and bond through missing their respective absent siblings. Lizzie and Aurora’s partnership is unexpected but opens the door for intriguing storytelling moving forward. Lizzie hints at the possibility of time travel, saying that they may be able to return to a time when Tristan was still alive, Hope had her humanity, and Josie was around.

Meanwhile, Legacies returns to Limbo, where Landon, Alaric, and Ted work with a Jinni to discover a way back to the real world. However, there are unexpected obstacles. The trio only gets one wish each, and Ted, who gets the final wish, has already claimed his for the chance to go to peace.

The trio’s first wish finally allows Landon to learn what has happened since his death. Although he had been aware of some details about Hope’s transition into a Tribrid, a visit to Wade, masquerading as a dream Wade is having, finally fills in the rest of the story. But unfortunately, their visit also shows how their wish results in bringing Landon and Ted back to Limbo anyway.

Alaric was not sent back with Landon and Ted because Alaric is in a coma rather than dead. However, when Alaric comments on the stress his daughters must be under, Landon is hesitant to reveal the full scope of events.

However, the Limbo storyline finally moves forward when Alaric’s wish has Ted transform back into the Necromancer, even though it comes with a twist. The Necromancer only has the power to return Alaric and Landon to the real world, and any wish other than going to peace has the Necromancer’s involvement with the Jinni as void.

Alaric had been sent back to his body, but only after hearing the truth from Landon about Alaric’s previous failures. Alaric has tried to take on issues by himself before, and his plans have usually resulted in more problems.

Landon encourages Alaric to ask for help from the Super Squad because maybe they all may have a chance of succeeding together. Although Alaric tells Wade that he will explain everything to him and Kaleb, it is still up in the air if Alaric tries to do better.

“Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost” keeps Landon in Limbo with the Necromancer by its conclusion. But, Landon appears to be in no rush to return home even though he wants to. Instead, he has appeared to make peace with the idea of helping others find a way out of Limbo until he can return to his loved ones.

In the end, “Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost” leaves things in an intriguing place, especially as Hope seems on the verge of dealing with her humanity, questioning if Lizzie was right about her. However, Hope’s possible emotions take a backseat to keep her humanity off just as she crosses the town line into Mystic Falls.

Legacies suggests a possible change of alliances and tension moving forward from “Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.”