Ryan Hudson has come a long way since season 1 of Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew -- "The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter" -- Image Number: NCD306b_0122r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kenned McMann as Nancy and Riley Smith as Ryan -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nancy Drew -- "The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter" -- Image Number: NCD306b_0122r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kenned McMann as Nancy and Riley Smith as Ryan -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

In the sixth episode of Nancy Drew‘s third season, a lot happened. We learned a lot and we saw a lot go down. But the thing that stood out was the growth of Ryan Hudson since he was first introduced in season 1.

While Ryan started as a guy cheating on his wife with a teenager (not over him and George being a thing) and being one of the least liked people in Horseshoe Bay (behind his father of course), we have seen some tremendous growth from this character. And in “The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter,” Ryan Hudson not only went along with Nancy Drew on one of her cases, but he asked her about being the “girl detective.”

He was interested in what his daughter was like as a child and wanted to know all the details. But his interest in who Nancy was didn’t stop there. In his ride along with her, he also got down and dirty. In fact, he also got hurt.

The thing is, that past Ryan Hudson would have never waded across a muddy river or fallen into a hidden tunnel. But current Ryan is a whole new person and he is one that we really like.

Nancy Drew has given Ryan Hudson true character growth throughout three seasons.

Nancy Drew has given Ryan Hudson a chance to redeem himself since we first met him (and learned exactly who he is to Nancy Drew) and he is doing a brilliant job of making that happen, especially in season 3.

Watching him actively work with Nancy on this frozen hearts murder investigation and asking her to fill him in on some of her past detective work is like watching Ryan grow up in a lot of ways. He wants to be a part of Nancy’s life and he is willing to put in the work to make that happen. But not only that, he isn’t trying to be someone that he is not.

And in “The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter,” it felt like we were seeing who Ryan Hudson is now. A father who understands that his job isn’t to raise Nancy Drew, but rather to get to know who she is as an adult and connect with her on her own terms.

What have you thought of Ryan Hudson’s growth on Nancy Drew? Do you think his character has redeemed himself? Are we liking this new Ryan? We want to know.