Roswell tears everything apart as Michael learns a devastating truth about himself

Roswell, New Mexico -- “Goodnight Elizabeth" -- Image Number: ROS307b_738r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Jeanine Mason as Liz Ortecho, Lily Cowles as Isobel Evans-Bracken, Michael Vlamis as Michael Guerin, and Amber Midthunder as Rosa Ortecho -- Photo: John Golden Britt/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Roswell, New Mexico -- “Goodnight Elizabeth" -- Image Number: ROS307b_738r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Jeanine Mason as Liz Ortecho, Lily Cowles as Isobel Evans-Bracken, Michael Vlamis as Michael Guerin, and Amber Midthunder as Rosa Ortecho -- Photo: John Golden Britt/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Everything was torn apart in the latest episode of Roswell, New Mexico, “Goodnight Elizabeth,” and for some people, things will never be the same.

A lot happened in the seventh episode of Roswell season 3. We learned that Mr. Jones has basically body-snatched Max. Not only has he taken over his body, but he has also taken his own body and alien pod (it totally makes sense if you know what’s happening). Maria is fighting Jones in her mind. Rosa is learning how to use her alien gifts. Liz is tasting failure again. Alex is learning some hard truths about what’s happening in Roswell. And Michael is learning a devastating truth.

While all of those things are worthy of discussion, the only one that stands out above it all is the truth about Michael.

Since its premiere, Roswell has consistently proven that it is all about family and the relationships we build. Whether our family is found or blood, it can be an endlessly important aspect of this show and these characters. But for Michael, it has always seemed like a struggle to accept the family he has made because he wanted to know more about where he came from and who he was.

Michael learns a hard truth in Roswell’s seventh episode of Season 3

But the problem with digging into your past when you already have a future is that you may just come across some very hard truths. And perhaps the biggest truth of all is the fact that Michael is the son of Mr. Jones.

And since we just learned that Michael’s father is also the dictator that forced the aliens from their world, leading to the Roswell crash and so many deaths, this means that it is in Mr. Jones who is the dictator.

But perhaps the worst thing of all is knowing that Jones has no problem sacrificing his own son for the cause, whatever that may be. Michael is in danger and that danger comes from his father. The fact that his father is also keeping Max trapped in his own body is a whole different issue that will have to be solved soon if we ever want to see our aliens happy again.

Michael has been searching for the truth of who he is for a long time, and now that he has that truth, we have to wonder if this will end up breaking him or making him stronger. And if it does end up breaking him, who will help to pick up his pieces, because at this point it certainly doesn’t look like it will be Alex or Max.

What did you think of “Goodnight Elizabeth?” Are you surprised by the fact that Michael is Mr. Jones’ son? Do you think this will be a detriment to Michael or will we all be surprised? Let me know what you think in the comments below.