The Masked Singer: Wendy Williams reveals 5 show secrets

THE MASKED SINGER: Lips in the “The Group C Premiere - Masked But Not Least” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, Oct. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2020 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: Michael Becker/FOX.
THE MASKED SINGER: Lips in the “The Group C Premiere - Masked But Not Least” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, Oct. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2020 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: Michael Becker/FOX. /
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2. The Costume Gets Hot and Heavy

Lips is notably the first character on The Masked Singer to perform while sitting the entire duration. This is due to the weight and how insulated Wendy Williams was inside the costume.

“The costume is like 50 pounds, no lie. And it’s held together with really sturdy industrial velcro to keep it from slipping forward because it’s so heavy,” Williams said during her behind the scenes interview. “I couldn’t even cross my legs because it is very tight and numbing around my knees and ankles, and so on. They literally had to lift my leg up and put it over the other one and I didn’t move it.”

On her talk show, Williams revealed contestants perform their song about three to four times. This is so the series post-production members can edit things together from multiple angles. Having to run it back several times meant more time for Williams inside the costume and on a 103-degree day in the Sunshine State, the air conditioning was turned off inside the studio.

“They turned off the AC because it’s loud and it comes to the microphone and they can’t hear you sing,” she said. “But the costume was so hot. It was so hot that I could barely breathe. It was so heavy, that’s why I’m sitting on the couch. Also, I didn’t know whether to throw up in the costume or go to the bathroom in the costume.”

As a performer, Williams had her work cut out for her. In return, she was amazed by the many tasks the crew members carry out to provide 60-minutes of entertainment on a weekly basis.

“I couldn’t believe the amount of work that every single last person from the lighting to the mic people to the people that dress us, everybody puts in so much work,” Williams told Jenny McCarthy.