Tuca & Bertie: 4 things we’d like to see in season 2

Tuca and Bertie season 1. Image courtesy of Netflix.
Tuca and Bertie season 1. Image courtesy of Netflix. /
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More Fun Characters

The minor characters added to Tuca & Bertie to make a specific joke, or to add to the weirdness of the world, are what make the show special. Some characters would be great to see again, including Bertie’s runaway left boob.

This character is voiced by Awkwafina, and the voice is remniscent of an older woman who has been through a lot. The runaway boob makes her appearance in episode 2, when a male co-worker makes inappropriate comments about Bertie’s body. She leaves Bertie with a hilarious, gaping hole in her chest. The other boob was also going to make a run for it, but Bertie caught that one in time. According to the runaway boob, she has run away before at a water park, which she recalls with a blissful, faraway stare. I would like to see this character pop up again when Bertie is experiencing a light anxiety-inducing conflict.

Another fun character is Speckles’ grandmother as a cake, voiced by Nicole Byer. In episode 1, Bertie gives Tuca Speckle’s sugar bowl without knowing his grandmother’s ashes are inside. The sugar bowl gets out of Tuca’s hands, and it takes Tuca and Bertie chasing a child around the city to get the bowl back.

This is where Bertie meets Pastry Pete, the boy’s uncle, and the two have a bake-off to win the sugar bowl back. She wins the bowl back — and an apprenticeship with Pasty Pete — but she’s too late. A woman working at the bakery used the sugar to bake a cake. Bertie decided to keep the cake and give it to Speckle. The cake later comes alive, and Speckle’s Gamby tells him to eat her. Speckle, through tears, eats the cake, and now Gamby is living inside Speckle’s tummy. We see Gamby make another appearance in the last episode of the season, but it would be nice to see her again.

Awkwafina and Nicole Byer voice many side characters on the show, and it’d be great to see more from them as well.