10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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Introducing the hellhound

In the first episode of Good Omens, we actually learn a lot about what leads up to the apocalypse, and while the entire story is fascinating, it is the introduction of the hellhound that’s the best moment. Not only is the moment worth watching on repeat, but it is also extremely humorous.

Here’s the thing. We expect a hellhound on Good Omens to be scary and terrifying. And at first, he kind of is. But when the anti-Christ describes his perfect dog with the hellhound in ear shot, things change.

We get to watch as this scary beast of the underworld transforms into an adorable dog of average size that is more likely to lick your face than bring about the end of days. Actually seeing this giant hellhound shrink down into a tiny, friendly dog that is a perfect representation of what Adam wants from a canine companion means that the once deadly beast is not recognizable in the least.

Not only is the hound no longer intimidating, but we get to watch repeatedly as the evil within him is slowly being siphoned off, and it is all thanks to the anti-Christ’s own nature. Growing up as a common country boy has allowed Adam to remain mostly innocent, which seems to be rubbing off on his hellhound.

Every time we see the pup from this point on, it becomes harder and harder to remember when he was a giant hound with glowing red eyes and spiky teeth ready to tear a person apart.