10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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Still from Good Omens. Image via Amazon Studios.

Over the course of six episodes, Amazon Prime’s Good Omens miniseries gave us plenty of fantastic moments, but these 10 may be the very best.

Good Omens starts as all good things do, at the very beginning — of time and creation that is. That’s right, the way the miniseries starts is at the dawn of humanity, when Adam and Eve bite the apple and begin the journey out of Eden.

It makes sense that this is where the story of the apocalypse would begin. However, this is not the story of Adam and Eve, nor is it the story of creation. Instead, this is the story of an angel, a demon, an anti-Christ, and the apocalypse.

At the core of Good Omens, we have an angel named Aziraphale and a demon named Crowley who are trying to stop the apocalypse. And yes, these two really are working together for the same thing.

The reason is simple: these two have been living on Earth for so long that they have gotten used to the creature comforts at their disposal. An apocalypse means the end of their good food, books, and the music they enjoy. So, it makes sense that Crowley and Aziraphale would want to stop the end of times.

Over the course of their mission to stop the apocalypse, there were some amazing moments. From the arrival of the Hellhound to the introduction of the Horsemen of the apocalypse, these are some of the best scenes throughout the Good Omens miniseries.