Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: 3 things we want in the season finale


Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger reaches it second season finale. Here are three things we would love to see in its final episode of the season

The second season of Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger comes to an end this week with the season finale this Thursday.

Compared to its first season, Cloak and Dagger made its way through the growing pains and found its groove almost immediately. The whole story felt very dialed-in and focused, and there seemed less pointless drama.

So as we head into its second season finale, here are three things we would love to see.

1. Bring a little Mayhem

This one feels like it’s a given that we’ll see: Let Mayhem be Mayhem.

We saw it a bit to start the season—up until Tyrone trapped her in the Darkforce dimension. She easily murdered an entire room of bad guys. But when you’re going up against D’Spayre (Andre) and he’s a full-fledged god-level bad guy… you may need some power.

That comes in the form of Mayhem and her poison nails. With her in control and Brigid… somewhere, seeing some kick-butt action would be a great way to come full circle for the character. Especially if it’s done for the greater good.

MARVEL’S CLOAK & DAGGER – “Rabbit Hold” -Photo: Freeform/Alyssa Moran

2. Re-rescue all the girls

We saw at the end of last episode all of the girls ever affected by Andre stuck in some kind of crazy trance. That includes Tandy’s mother. And as he played his blue note, they all disappeared. Where did they go? Is that something that will get answered?

More importantly, if Tandy and Tyrone are able to take down Andre, will the girls be saved? Will they find their hope again and be able to move on?

You have to think Cloak and Dagger won’t end on such a dour note (but at least leave us with a good cliffhanger). The girls will get rescued, but it may not be sunshine and rainbows right away.

MARVEL’S CLOAK & DAGGER – “Restless Energy” – Photo: Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani

3. Tandy and Tyrone being Cloak and Dagger

I know I say this plenty already, but Cloak and Dagger works best when Tandy and Tyrone are together. This season has done so much better in keeping them together.

And yet we still have only had one or two great scenes of them in action against their enemies. That scene at the Viking motel? Amazing! I would love if this show gave us another sequence like that.

Because how can you have a Cloak and Dagger show if you don’t have Cloak and Dagger together? Please let us see Tandy throwing light daggers for Tyrone to redirect with his misty cloak. It’s all we need.

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Don’t miss a single second of the action. Cloak and Dagger’s season finale premieres at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 30th.