20 DC villains ranked by their dateability

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20. Ares

When the DCEU gave us Wonder Woman, we ended up with not one, but three villains. While we definitely wouldn’t want to date the other bad guys in the movie, we have to admit there are a few things that allow Ares to make the cut of our dateable villains.

The most obvious thing about Ares is that he is a god. It’s hard to pass up a Greek god, even if he is the god of war. In fact, his being a god is a plus in his favor, as it is a reminder that he is powerful, and power can be intoxicating.

Another reason we have to give Ares his dating due is the fact that he knows how to hold a conversation with intelligence and clarity. Considering we first meet Ares as a politician (even if we did not have a clue), Ares’ ability to hold an intelligent conversation is an added plus when we are looking to connect with someone.

As far as villains go, it is hard to be disappointed in a god, and we can easily imagine sitting down to a long dinner or drinks with Ares and allowing him a chance to speak about his passions. We can’t imagine wanting to hop on our phones while he is speaking, and of course, we probably wouldn’t want to, all things considered.

Ares may not be a good guy, but that doesn’t mean he is lacking in the dateability arena. It helps that he has that immortal thing in his pocket, because at least we know he will be around for a while.