20 DC villains ranked by their dateability

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PATRICK WILSON as King Orm in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “AQUAMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

When it comes to finding the perfect man, we rarely think of the bad guys. But even villains need love, which is why we’re ranking the most dateable of the DC Universe.

Although we rarely look to the bad guys in our movies to find our next great love interest, that is not to say that there are not some villains that we find ourselves looking twice at. In fact, when it comes to obsessing over our favorite comic book movies, we often look to the villains as part of why we loved a film (they may be bad guys, but they tend to be interesting).

While the big screen DCEU is still growing and expanding, there are actually a lot of villains who have already hit our screens, both big and small. And when we look at these bad guys and gals of the DC world, we find a lot of dating potential. We would almost say that had these villains found love sooner, perhaps they would not have had to turn to a life of villainy to begin with. Of course, without their naughty natures, we may never have noticed them.

The DCEU villains might not be your first choice for the perfect girlfriend or boyfriend, but each of these characters has certain qualities that make them worthy of taking on at least one date. While some of these characters have turned things around for the better (which helps to boost their dateability), others are still just as bad as ever. That being said, some of these villains make the cut of dateable bad guys (and gals) simply because of the characteristics that make them good at being bad.