Game of Thrones: 5 surprising quotes from people having second thoughts about the Iron Throne

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(L to R)Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei, Emilia Clarkeas DaenerysTargaryen, and Conleth Hillas Varys-Photo:Helen Sloan/HBO


"[Jon Snow] has the better claim to the throne… the fact is, people are drawn to him. Wildling, Northmen. He’s a war hero."

Throughout the seasons, we’ve always questioned exactly what Varys’ motives were. He’s been sneaky and cunning, but after eight seasons, we can see where he was going with this.

Underneath it all, Varys has been quite loyal to the Targaryen name since serving under Daenerys’ father, the Mad King. While his allegiance and loyalties have shifted through the series, from having to serve under Joffery to testifying against Tyrion, his cunning plans have all been in the name of the Targaryen family. In a video, Fandom even calls him “one of  the most loyal supporters to Daenerys’ cause since it began.”

Now, it looks like Varys may be abandoning his loyalty, as he ponders more on Jon Snow’s leadership. Technically, thoughit wouldn’t be a complete loss of support since Jon has Targaryen blood in him. But if there’s more support for Jon in the next episode, Varys may see himself changing sides.