Game of Thrones: The realest questions we gotta ask after the Battle of Winterfell


Game of Thrones’ third episode was all about the Battle of Winterfell. So much went down that we definitely have some questions that need answers.

The word of the day for Game of Thrones‘ Battle of Winterfell episode was “shook.” Fans were shook; The Hound was shook; The Dothraki were shook. No one could have predicted the Night King would cause such calamity… maybe except for Bran, who was pretty much silent through the whole episode.

Nonetheless, we’re going to keep it real and ask some questions that are still on our mind about this episode and next week’s — because there is a lot to take in right now.

Honestly, how will everyone be able to move on after this?

As noted early, everyone was 100 percent shook this episode. It takes a lot for the Dothraki and the Unsullied to be scared, and the wights just about showed us how much these armies could handle. Yes, we’ve lost so many in Game of Thrones before, but how will our characters be able to move on after being so terribly traumatized by the battle? I, for one, would just ask Hot Pie to serve up some delicious treats for everyone, and we could finally set aside our differences over baked goods.

When will I be able to see what’s happening on my TV screen?

Okay, seriously, Game of Thrones. I have to give it to you for the top-notch production value and special effects (let’s just hand out the Emmys now). But still, things were dark, there was a lot of snow, and I could barely see a THING! Melisandre walked into the dawn to die, but couldn’t they just have waited for the dawn to fight? That would have been much easier on the eyes.

Is the threat from beyond the wall really over that easily?

If you’ve seen Avengers: Infinity War (not Endgame, we won’t spoil things here), there were quite a few moments that made you say, “Well, that was a little too easy.” And indeed, those moments were too good to be true. We’ve been waiting to see the Night King battle all this time (eight seasons, mind you) and he’s just dead now? There has to be more to the story.

Is Arya going to get some credit or what?

While I may be suspicious about the Night King dying so quick, can we give it up to Arya Stark? Arya Stark doesn’t come off as the type of person to brag, so I’m hoping people will give credit where credit is due. Arya absolutely slayed… literally.

How the heck is Cersei going to react to this?

Remember when Cersei was going to support Jon Snow and Daenerys in their effort to fight the Night King, and then was like “LOL, never mind”? Well, now that she wasn’t a part of the battle, how will she ever react to everything that went down? It’s one of those “you have to be there to understand” things, I can totally see Cersei saying, “It probably wasn’t that bad, you guys.” Fortunately, now that the Night King threat is over, it seems like the others will have to put all their effort into getting Cersei off the Throne.

Who wants the throne right now?

Okay, playtime’s over folks, and it’s time to get back to the real discussion. Jon and Daenerys took some time off from the throne race to plan their defense against the Night King and his army. But now that that’s all over, we have to remember that big reveal: Jon Snow is technically the heir to the Iron Throne.

Daenerys acknowledged this in the last episode. But after all this time, will she be so willing to let Jon be the King? I have a compromise for them if they’re feeling troubled. How about Arya? She killed the Night King; she should basically get the throne by default.

Next. Game of Thrones S8E3: 5 things you need to know. dark

Game of Thrones continues next Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.

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