15 best rom-coms on Netflix right now

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She’s Out of My League

Of all the rom-coms on this list, She’s Out of My League is perhaps one of the funniest. And yet, there is also so much sincerity and genuine romance to this movie that it also tops the list for one of the most rewatched of these films. I have probably watched this movie 10 times just in the last six months.

Kirk is just an average guy who works at the airport with his friends, and when he meets a gorgeous woman who wants to date him, he can’t understand what she could possibly see in him. It doesn’t help that his friends and family are just as confused as he is, and make it clear that she is out of his league.

But what makes this movie a favorite is the fact that Molly doesn’t believe she is out of his league and instead makes it a point to let Kirk know all of the qualities that make him right for her. Of  course there is drama and all of the things we expect from a solid rom-com, but it was the idea of the average guy and the gorgeous girl together which sold me on this movie.

I really believe that this is one of those rom-coms that becomes a favorite because it has heart, honesty, humor, and a sense of reality that will draw you in and keep you watching until the very end. Really, who doesn’t enjoy seeing something like this? Plus, the fact that this movie is genuinely funny is an added bonus that I think makes the romance that much better.