15 best rom-coms on Netflix right now

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The Kissing Booth

Remember how we started the list with Sixteen Candles? Well, we are ending it with a movie that also features Molly Ringwald. The Kissing Booth is my favorite rom-com on this entire list for so many reasons, including the addition of Ringwald.

While this is a teen romance set in high school, we give a lot of credit to the storyline for a number of reasons. Not only does it show that you can be friends with the opposite sex without it being about anything more than friendship, but it also gives us a female lead who isn’t afraid to stand up for herself and won’t let a guy tell her what to do. Then there is the fact that even our leading man has these moments that show he is not the average guy, as he defends the girl from someone who touches her without consent.

Sure, there are moments of drama and angst (what good teen based rom-com doesn’t have angst?), but overall there is an actual romance that we watch grow and change, as well as humor that had me laughing out loud. I honestly fell in love with these characters to the point I really did cry at certain points.

There was something about The Kissing Booth that really spoke to me and made me wish I could watch the movie over again as if I had never seen it, just so I could fall in love once more. From the characters to the storyline, this is one movie I think everyone should enjoy at least once. Now I just have to hope that Netflix decides to give the movie a sequel so I get to see more of this couple and find out what happens next.

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When it comes to date night rom-coms, there are plenty out there that we find enjoyable. But, if you are looking to Netflix and chill or just plan a low-key night in, we think these 15 movies are the perfect choice for your watch next list.

What is your favorite romantic comedy? And which of these rom-coms have you seen and enjoyed? Tell us in the comments.