5 AHS fan theories you need to know about before Apocalypse

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Michael Langdon, the antichrist child, will be the focal point of the season.

This theory is being almost considered a fact at this point since an older version of the child has been cast by Ryan Murphy. Also, so many of the promos including the posters have featured babies.

Michael was the antichrist child born to Vivien Harmon after she was raped by Tate. This revelation was definitely one of the most disturbing of that season. The antichrist is supposed to bring on the end of the world. And, well, since the season is about the apocalypse, putting two and two together here means that this character has to play at least some role in bringing that about.

Cody Fern has been cast in the role, and it will be interesting to see what he brings to the table. The ending of Murder House was creepy, and the violent act that brought forth his conception is hard to stomach. Themes of lust, violence, and gender have often played a large role in the series. While the extent of Michael Langdon’s centrality is not known for sure, we would bet you can count on the antichrist/end of the world storyline being at least part of the focus of this season.