25 Game of Thrones characters that bring more fire than ice

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Grey Worm

Daenerys Targaryen knows how to pick a pretty crew to follow her around. While Grey Worm is also the commander of the Unsullied, he is one of Daenerys Targaryen’s advisors. So basically, if you would like to look at a hot guy, go hang out with the Khaleesi for a while, and you’ll be set.

Though, please be aware that being one of the Unsullied means that Grey Worm was castrated as a child, which is why he is clean shaven and looks very young.

So maybe thirsting for him isn’t exactly the right turn of phrase. Instead, we’re simply searching for a romantic connection with someone like Grey Worm. He’s beautiful, powerful, and loyal.

What’s not to like? Again, loyalty is a big deal, and with someone like Grey Worm on your side, you’re sure to feel safe and like you always have someone there to protect you. He isn’t the kind of person to turn away from you, and that could be because of his upbringing or because he’s just generally that kind of man.

Either way, Grey Worm is one character that we want to love and protect but also have around to help us figure out battle strategies. He’s also easy on the eyes.