25 of the best genderswapped cosplayers we’ve seen

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4. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo from Star Wars

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are Star Wars icons, so what fangirl wouldn’t want to dress up like them at an upcoming con? Two members of the original trio, Han and Luke have been portrayed in a variant of ways throughout the years.

Whether it be as lovers, friends, brothers, or more, these two have had quite the relationship in the eyes of fans so it isn’t surprising that you can find any number of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo looks when you go to a convention.

These two cosplayers mix the cheesy with the iconic creating quite the cosplay. Here’s the thing about Star Wars: It can be campy! Don’t forget about Leia and her donuts on the side of her head from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. So whenever a cosplayer understands that and brings it to life in their work, it is wonderful to see.

Like these two! They understand the characters, the camp, and the fact that they’re creating a genderbent Han Solo and Luke Skywalker for us. It works, it is great, and it could totally work if they were placed in those original movies! Just imagine them with a genderbent Lando!