20 best moments from Sex and the City

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Samantha cries at Miranda’s mom’s funeral (“My Motherboard, My Self”)

Speaking of Samantha, despite being a hardened, savvy businesswoman, she still has her tender moments. This moment in season 4 might be one of the most touching.

It’s obvious these four women love each other, but sometimes, they don’t always show it in the most obvious ways. Samantha, obviously, doesn’t really do emotions, so when Miranda’s mother dies unexpectedly, she doesn’t know how to approach her friend with her condolences.

Miranda has to rush to Philadelphia after her mother has a heart attack. Even though she seemed stable, Carrie gets a call in the early morning from an upset Miranda telling her that her mom died.

Carrie takes the news hard, but tries her best to help her friend. Charlotte goes into immediate WASP-mode and says they need to send flowers, and Samantha clams up. She’s afraid to even call Miranda because she doesn’t know what to tell her. But it seems like the news really did get to her; in fact, it hindered her ability to get on with her bedroom life.

The girls head to Philadelphia to comfort their friend in mourning, and Samantha still doesn’t know what to say to Miranda. Carrie and Charlotte offer her a hug and an “I’m so sorry,” but Samantha tells Miranda how great she looks.

While Miranda sits uncomfortably during the whole service, especially when the minister confuses her for being married to someone she definitely isn’t married to, Samantha looks uncomfortable with the people crying around her. Then out of nowhere, Samantha feels a wave of emotion, mouths “I’m sorry” to Miranda, and bursts into tears.

She’s crying so hard that Charlotte has to comfort her as they leave the funeral. We’re used to seeing Samantha be a strong, badass woman, but it’s refreshing when we get a chance to see her being vulnerable.