Game of Thrones season 8: New theory suggests Sansa’s death


One fan has put some thought into how something so simple as a familiar Game of Thrones phrase could end up predicting some of the events of season 8.

Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire both have some familiar phrases that keep popping up over and over again: “valar morghulis,” “winter is coming,” “fire & blood” … and “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.” It’s that last one that piqued the interest of a user on r/freefolk, writing under the name u/oxbloodenchantress2. They tried to predict how that sentence might impact how Game of Thrones plays out, and they came up with Sansa probably dying.

On its face, it seems a little strange. After all, Sansa has built a reputation, particularly in the show, as being one of the survivors. She has endured Joffrey, Littlefinger and Ramsay Bolton. All of those men have since died, and she has been involved, either knowingly or unknowingly, in all three deaths. She has regained Winterfell. If we trust anyone to come out of bad situations without fighting or using dragons herself, it’s Sansa.

However, the theory at hand makes an awful amount of sense. Not only does u/oxbloodenchantress2 point to how only some of the Starks have the Stark coloring, but they also point out that the non-Stark-looking children have died. For the Stark-looking kids, that’s Jon and Arya; Bran looks like his mother in the books.

Conclusion? “I predict they will all die,” they say, referring to Robb, Sansa, Bran and Rickon. As half of that number has already died, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for the other half to die in this final season or in the two remaining books.

Of course, we disagree with the idea of Jon going out ranging in the wilds; at this point, it seems far more likely that he’ll either die or end up as part of Danerys’ court, should she sit the Iron Throne. In the show, at least, they seem to have a pretty strong connection.

As for Arya, there have been suggestions that u/oxbloodenchantress2 could be wrong for her, as well. To say more would range into the realm of spoilers, and we’ll leave them to your imagination.

That leaves us with Bran. He could still have something to do with the plot since he knows the secret of Jon’s parentage and has a connection to the Night King. However, that doesn’t guarantee his survival, either, especially not when we’re dealing with an undead and magical ice creature that likes to kill dragons for fun and profit.

Next: What's George R.R. Martin releasing this year?

Could we leave just two Starks standing by the end of season 8 and A Dream of Spring? Let us know what you think!