Watch the Avengers’ awkward arrival to Wakanda in new Infinity War clip


See the Avengers’ first touchdown in Wakanda from Avengers: Infinity War, and try not to get second-hand embarrassment from watching Bruce Banner.

Chris Evans took time off from Broadway to pay Good Morning America a visit, and he came bearing a gift in the form of a new Avengers: Infinity War clip.

In the clips released before, we’ve seen Shuri school Bruce Banner, Banner give a warning to Tony Stark and Black Widow kicking some serious butt. Now, we’re getting to see the Avengers’ first arrival to Wakanda.

The tour group of Avengers out to visit T’Challa include Captain America, Black Widow, Rhodey, Banner, Scarlet Witch and The Vision. And while most of the team seems pretty chill meeting the King of Wakanda, Bruce Banner showed a little nervousness at the meeting.

Rhodey, trolling Banner, pulls a fast one by saying he should definitely bow when they greet T’Challa. To his dismay, nobody else does it … and T’Challa awkwardly has to tell him that’s not how things work in Wakanda.

Banner’s got the right idea, though. T’Challa is a king that deserves to be bowed down to. The other Avengers were clearly the ones out of line.

But what are they doing in Wakanda in the first place? Perhaps picking up Bucky, who was left there since the end of Captain America: Civil War. And then what? Who knows if this group will venture out to other places or stay in Wakanda for the rest of the movie. But we do know that it’ll be the home for the final showdown. And things certainly look like they’re going to go down when Thanos arrives.

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To know for sure, we’ll just have to catch the movie to see how the rest of their adventure plays out. Don’t forget, it’s out in theaters soon, opening April 27.