Riverdale season 2 episode 14 live stream: Watch online

Riverdale doubles down on the sexy. Here’s everything you need to know about the Riverdale season 2 episode 14 live stream and how to watch online.

It’s finally happening, Bulldogs and Rivervixens. Riverdale is back from (what seems like) an interminable hiatus, and they are giving us what we want. Lots and lots of sex with beautiful people. Here’s everything you need to know about the Riverdale season 2 episode 14 live stream and how to watch it online.

Riverdale fans have been slogging through one bit of mystery after the the next for weeks now. However, it looks like writers finally got the memo on what’s been bumming us out. We demanded more sex, and we got it. In this week’s “The Hills Have Eyes,” the gang takes a little road trip for a “luxury weekend,” and it looks like their hormones get the better of them.

Of course, we’ve still got the Betty/Alice/Chic murder storyline to contend with, but I’ll trade it for one episode to watch Betty in a dark wig telling Jughead she has to punish him. Who knows how Bughead will evolve now that she’s introducing some kink into the sexual mix, but it’s a welcome turn from that  awful strip tease.

For everyone whose been missing Archie’s biceps, we get a gratuitous wood-chopping scene that might make you forgive his ham-fisted, lug-headed attempt at being a junior mobster.

The gang is headed to the woods (where bad things never, ever happen) for a getaway, but Jug’s cryptic voiceover promises fireworks, describing the four as a “powder keg.”

In case you’re looking for a little loving outside the essential four, “Chapter 27” promises to deliver here as well. Kevin and Moose negotiate their burgeoning affair, with Midge’s approval apparently, and Sheriff Keller and the Mayor get caught canoodling suspiciously. There’s something for everyone.

There’s plenty to get back to, Riverheads. But for now, let’s enjoy our pretty people doing sexy things and worry about murder, gang activity, class warfare, and betrayal next week.

"Date: Wednesday, March. 7Start time: 8 p.m. ETEpisode: “Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes”TV Channel: The CWLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

Next: Watch TV online

Catch up on Riverdale’s season 1 on Netflix, and then season 2 on The CW website or the CW app.

Catch up on Riverdale’s season 1 on Netflix, and then season 2 on The CW website or the CW app.