Want to know what happens next on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story? Well, we have all the information on where to watch!
Last week, the world was introduced to the Assassination of Gianni Versace. The first episode showed us what happened at the time of his death, directly following, and a little bit of the “reasoning” for Andrew’s shooting down of the famed designer.
The show has a very interesting way of showing the plot. By using the death of Versace as the starting point, we then have to try and figure out the motive, how Versace came to be this figure in Andrew’s life and then, most importantly of all, figure out what is real and what is fake … or at least try to.
The problem with most of the death of Gianni Versace is that we only know what Andrew claimed. And from what we can tell in the pilot, he was a pathological liar. So what does that mean for the show? Well, it gets fun. We can explore what really happened and what we think happened.
We can take the facts and try and piece together the truth. Here’s FX’s synopsis of this week’s episode:
"Andrew Cunanan arrives in Miami to stalk Gianni Versace."
Or we can trust Ryan Murphy’s telling of the events, which is very dramatic. Because it is, after all, a Ryan Murphy show. But still, there’s a lot for us to learn, especially if you don’t know much about the assassination itself.
"So where can you watch? Well, find out below.Date: Wednesday, Jan. 24Time: 10 p.m. ETEpisode: “Manhunt”Channel: FXLive stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"
And make sure to check back here on Culturess for more news, recaps, and more on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.