Black Lightning season 1, episode 2 live stream: Watch online

After a really strong series premiere, Black Lightning is back with a new episode and we’ve got all the details you need to watch Black Lightning online.

As many of us hoped, Black Lightning struck gold last week in an episode that was equal parts awesome, heartfelt and truly quality. If you missed last week’s series premiere of Black Lightning, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with our recap and review of “The Resurrection.”

In addition to introducing us to the Pierce family and their day to day problems, the episode ended with a really cool (albeit brief) tease of another superhero that will take her place in the family soon: Thunder.

So let’s check out the synopsis for the new episode of Black Lightning, courtesy of TV Guide:

"As the community struggles with the violence surrounding them, a glimmer of hope appears: Is Black Lightning back? Lynn Stewart, noticing the changes in the community, is also left wondering. While Jefferson Pierce struggles with his decision, Gambi urges him to take up the mantle once more and return to life as Black Lightning. Anissa and Jennifer try to deal with the aftermath of their jolting experience."

Okay, so, to be honest, I was a little disappointed with Gambi’s appearance. First, I thought it was a little too convenient that he was working on a suit for the retired vigilante and was a little pushy, and second, the actor who plays him is James Remar. DC fans might know Remar as the guy who voiced Black Mask in The Batman animated series. And since Black Mask is one of my favorite villains, I was really hoping Remar was going to eventually appear as Roman Sionis in the Arrowverse eventually.

But he obviously can’t be Gambi and Black Mask, so there goes that.

Now, if you’re ready for the second episode, here are all the details you need to watch the Black Lightning live stream:

"Date: Tuesday, Jan. 23Time: 9:00 p.m. ETEpisode: “Lawanda: The Book of Hope”Channel: The CWLive stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

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New episodes of Black Lightning air every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.