Whatever happens on tonight’s episode of How to Get Away with Murder, we know we’re just not ready for it. Here’s how to watch online.
How to Get Away with Murder is back on televisions tonight to close out the return of the TGIT block to ABC — right after Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, as it will be at least until Scandal ends later this season and as it’s been for the past several seasons.
Hopefully, tonight’s episode won’t come with a graphic warning. I’ve mentioned it before that Murder seems able to push pretty far sometimes — and not always in a good way. Usually that kind of episode is reserved for a finale of some sort, though, not a premiere, and besides, this is the mid-season premiere.
In other words, expect some revelations or escalations, but nothing quite on the same level as Simon Drake basically accidentally shooting himself because he tripped over a desk chair, which is actually a thing that happened. I am not making it up. Seriously, the review of the winter finale is right up there.
But anyway, “He’s Dead” is our mid-season premiere, presumably about … Simon? Simon and the baby both, considering the synopsis? Someone else in a weird, metaphorical way, like Frank for causing the elevator birth scene to happen in the first place?
Perhaps all three, since there are a lot of men in the cast of this show? Maybe even Isaac is going to be metaphorically dead somehow. It’s entirely possible. I have not ruled anything out anymore, and I think that’s probably the safest course of action with How to Get Away with Murder.
"Date: Thursday, Jan. 17Start Time: 10 p.m. ETChannel: ABCEpisode: “He’s Dead”Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"
Stay tuned to Culturess for all the latest from the show, including reviews and deep dives into the story of How to Get Away with Murder.