Solo: A Star Wars Story has a mystery planetary set

What exactly is going on in Solo: A Star Wars Story? That’s still mostly unknown, but we do have what appears to be a location for the film.

Note: Minor spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story are ahead. 

Solo: A Star Wars Story could basically be going anywhere in the galaxy, since we really don’t know that much about the film, as Star Wars News Net also notes in its writeup of these fresh images from the film, showing a location. We say “a location” because not even SWNN’s source really knows where this is supposed to be.

Honestly, the sands and aesthetic remind us of Tatooine, and, way back in 2017 before Chris Lord and Phil Miller were fired, photos from the same place — Fuerteventura — were speculated to be of the famous planet with twin suns, although the water visible in these new photos could very well be a strike against this being of Tatooine. Still, could Star Wars as a franchise really be banking on that much on familiarity to sell tickets to this movie? Well, hey, they pulled out the Death Star (again) for Rogue One, so the answer to this question is probably yes.

Although SWNN speculates that this could, in fact, be Kessel or Corellia, let’s take a look. The idea is that this is desert/beach territory, right? Kessel could, therefore, still be a candidate; Wookieepedia’s rendering of the spice mines (sourced from the canon Star Wars: Rebels) shows that it could be a match — but the round structures aren’t pictured in what we have here for Solo. That doesn’t mean that a little CGI or other effects can’t be used to achieve the dark, dingy effect, but it’s not a full-blown confirmation. However, Kessel also has a “lush” area to the south, so perhaps this isn’t meant to represent the spice mines at all as SWNN and its source speculate.

Corellia is perhaps the least likely candidate of the three planets here. Canonically speaking, we haven’t “seen” Corellia in a show or film, but Wookieepedia points out it’s mostly a “temperate” planet. Again, this doesn’t mean we’re not going to see the planet at all — just that it seems a touch unlikely that Fuerteventura is standing in for Corellia.

Next: 10 actors we'd love to see in the Star Wars franchise

What planet do you think this place is meant to represent?