American Horror Story: Cult episode 9 live stream: Watch online


The end is near for season 7 of American Horror Story, but the cult, which is ever-expanding, seems to be only getting stronger.

With just a few episodes to go of this mad, wonderful, hyper-realistic yet ultra-dramatic season, our heroes are a mystery, our villains are amorphous, and our country is looking like the mess we all fear it could become any day in real life. And most of us are still eating it up just like our cult leader, Ryan Murphy, likely intended.

At last count, virtually every one of our characters is either solidly in the cult, a brand new member of the cult, or has been murdered/taken prisoner as a victim of the cult. So with no discernible opponents and Kai’s power seemingly snowballing to the point where even his sister is in danger should she get in his path, it’s hard to predict where we’ll end up. But the fun is never in the prediction — it’s in the mind-blowing revelations that come when they get proven so, so wrong.

Case in point: last week, our up-til-now heroine, Ally Mayfair-Richards, shockingly showed up at the latest cult meeting, and seems to be getting rather friendly with Kai. It’s likely that she’s plotting to take him down from the inside so that, once again, we can watch Sarah Paulson become the lone survivor and ultimate winner of a season of American Horror Story. But it’s also just as likely that we’re about to watch the one semi-redeemable character for whom we’d been rooting be taken down in a blaze of MAGA-fied glory.

There’s only one way to find out.

Here’s how (and where) to watch this week:

"Date: Tuesday, Oct. 31Time: 10 p.m. ETEpisode: “Drink the Kool-Aid”Channel: FXLive stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

NEXT: Watch TV online

Join us back here on Culturess after Tuesday’s episode for a recap and analysis of episode 9!