Marvel’s Inhumans: Does anyone actually like Maximus?


Marvel’s Inhumans feels like it’s all about betrayal, mistrust, and dealing with it for the good of the race. But does anyone like the guy instigating it?

Look, we’re over halfway through Marvel’s Inhumans’ first season (possibly only season). It’s still just a very okay show. And with this last episode, it’s really hard to root for anyone. The Royal Family isn’t very good, and Maximus has already descended into the “angrily yelling at statues” part of his reign.

So I ask you a very serious question: Does anyone actually like Maximus?

He’s always been seen as an outsider because Terrigenesis turned him into a normal human (which seems weird, but whatever). His status as part of the Royal Family kept him protected from toiling away in the mines.

MARVEL’S INHUMANS – The Inhumans, a race of superhumans with diverse and singularly unique powers, were first introduced in Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1965. Since that time, they have grown in prominence and become some of the most popular and iconic characters in the Marvel Universe. “Marvel’s The Inhumans” will explore the never-before-told epic adventure of Black Bolt and the royal family. (Marvel/ABC)


It gives him that connection to the lower class on Attilan, but at the same time, he’s not the same as them because his privilege protects him from suffering as they do. He talks about bringing change against the Royal Family constantly. But it feels more like bluster than anything else, and does anyone on Attilan take him seriously?

Case in point: the end of this past week’s episode. His one “loyal friend” on the genetic council gets cornered by three guys in dark robes asking what Maximus knows. As it turns out, they’re part of a faction that doesn’t actually want to see his rule.

Probably because they know it’s not going to be any better than what they already have right now. And it’s more for him to let out all of his steam at his family members than it is to make things more equal. Which begs the question of whether anyone actually likes Maximus.

With the set-up from a dying Locust begging Black Bolt to be the “king we deserve,” you have to think he’s going to make a complete 180 and everyone will be happy to have him back, screw Maximus, et cetera.

It feels like a bit of a cop-out rather than actually making any sort of significant character improvement for anyone.

Next: Thor: Ragnarok’s comedy is apparently physical, too, for Loki anyway

Hopefully the last few episodes of Inhumans helps Maximus try to find his place in the Inhuman world … or sees him face Black Bolt ‘s powers head-on.