Thor: Ragnarok: Is Marvel hiding Doctor Strange, or is he just not in it that much?


This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this Doctor Strange exchange in clips from Thor: Ragnarok. Does it mean something, or is it just that good a line?

Not all big-money movie franchises bring something new to every single piece of promotional footage, but we can’t help but notice that every time we see something of the confirmed-since-last-year Doctor Strange in Thor: Ragnarok, we see pretty much the same something.

We’ve already broken down the Chinese teaser that focuses mostly on Hela, but pay attention to Benedict Cumberbatch’s lines for a second. Now, thanks to CBR, we have a commercial suited for the American audience that uses the exact same exchange.

Now, CBR doesn’t comment on that, instead adding that there are some shots we haven’t seen before, mostly for Valkyrie, after summarizing what Strange and pre-haircut Thor say to each other (without noting that that is not really new; in fact, here’s Vox asking the same questions we are back in August with another international preview).

As a result, we’re left wondering just how much time Cumberbatch had to shoot Ragnarok. That’s been a question since the first full trailer, really. There are still hints out there that suggest his role is substantial — and we here at Culturess have high hopes for Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston to share a scene and presumably make many a fangirl’s heart go pitter-pat at the sight of them together — but those are just hints.

Marvel really can’t win here, though, and here’s what Vox and CBR don’t dive into much. This is Thor’s movie, so Thor has to be the focus. Then you’ve got the Hulk, and then you’ve got Doctor Strange. All three characters have anchored movies before. Additionally, the Hulk is basically in the deuteragonist role here. Mark Ruffalo has said as much by saying that the Hulk is going to play a big role in his next three MCU appearances.

It’s hard enough to balance in the Avengers movies, but there, it makes sense that there are so many characters, because it’s right there in the name. Thor: Ragnarok, as we’ve said, doesn’t have the same luxury.

Perhaps we shouldn’t worry too much. Everything that’s been coming out of Ragnarok suggests it’s going to be pretty delightful when it hits on Nov. 3.

Next: Thor: Ragnarok stars try and explain Ragnarok

Presumably, that’s with or without Strange showing up much.