Game of Thrones season 7: 5 predictions for episode 5

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Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington (Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO)

3. The dragons aren’t going to really hate Jon

Dragons are magical creatures. They also have ties to the Targaryens. It is, in fact, kind of a big point that the Targaryens are the last extant dragonlords in the entire world as we know it. A shot in the preview appears to show Jon getting up close and personal with Drogon, in fact, but he doesn’t hit the deck like the last time they were in his airspace, pun intended.

If dragons are magical and have ties to the Targaryens, it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that they may show a certain affinity for Jon right off the bat, since he is, as far as we know, actually a Targaryen.


Like we talked about last week, there are rumors that Jon might not have to explain his status to people like Missandei much longer.

An additional set of spoilers actually has this type moment as an event, too, coming from Reddit, that purports to include events from the entire season. Read at your own risk.

Spoilers end.

That might actually lead to Jon and Daenerys maybe getting along a little better … or her just having more suspicions about him, since he showed up on her island talking about the Night King, and now gets along with her dragons. They did appear to have a breakthrough (a very small one, but still a breakthrough) in “The Spoils of War,” after all.