Star Wars Forces of Destiny: “The Imposter Inside” gives us the Ahsoka and Padme team-up we deserve

In Star Wars Forces of Destiny episode 6, Ahsoka and Padme prove to be better at stopping bounty hunters than Anakin or Obi-Wan ever were in “The Imposter Inside.”

Buckle in, because I’m going to say something that may offend a lot of people. Especially women. But here it is: Padme Amidala sucked in the saga films. Of course, it wasn’t her fault. But she was just a tool used to prop up Anakin’s story. That’s just how they wrote her.

For example, let’s recap some of her biggest plot points across the prequels:

Again, those are just some of the highlights. But because she was the only woman the prequels really focused on, we tend to overlook some of these things. I mean, she had some incredible merits too, considering what a beloved Queen and uncompromising senator she was. But quite frankly, I don’t feel like she really became interesting until we saw her in the animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

And lucky for us, Forces of Destiny wants to give us more insight into just how competent and fearless she really was. After all, she happens to be the mother of the greatest General the Rebellion ever had and the General’s brother, Luke something-something. They must’ve gotten their heroic qualities from somewhere. Because they definitely didn’t get it from ol’ Vadad …

Check out Forces of Destiny episode 6, “The Imposter Inside”:

While “Imposter Inside” feels like a hodgepodge of things we’ve seen before, including bounty hunters and handmaidens that aren’t who they claim to be, I’m happy to see Padme knocking someone out with a vase that probably costs quite a lot of credits. Plus, I think it’s hilarious that she has a line about negotiations. It’s just way too on the nose.

Related Story: Forces of Destiny episode 5: The Wampa strikes back!

Stay tuned for our breakdown of the next episode of Star Wars Forces of Destiny!