Doctor Who season 10, episode 6 live stream: Watch Extremis online

Doctor Who Season 10 continues this Saturday, with a brand new episode. Here’s all the info you need to watch “Extremis” online.

Reminder: If you need a quick reminder of all things Doctor Who from last week, our Culturess review of “Oxygen” is right this way.

Doctor Who Season 10 continues this week, with an episode that finds the Doctor gravely injured and hiding that information from his companion Bill. And since we’ve never seen an ongoing storyline in which any Doctor was incapacitated in this way, it’s hard to know what to expect.

This week’s episode, entitled “Extremis”, finds Twelve, Bill and Nardole summoned by the Vatican to investigate an ancient text in a forbidden library. Known as the Veritas, this text supposedly contains the ultimate truth. The one problem? Everyone who reads it dies.

The synopsis for this episode is as follows:

"In the Haereticum – the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy – there is an ancient book known only as The Veritas. Throughout history, anyone who has ever read it has immediately taken their own life. Now a new translation is online, and the danger is spreading. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor. Will he read The Veritas? But can even the Doctor survive the ultimate truth?"

This episode will also see the return of Missy. And allegedly kick off Doctor Who’s first official three-part story in many years.

Also, just to get you extra excited, you can watch the trailer for “Extremis” below:

And if that wasn’t enough — BBC America also released a preview clip from the episode:

So if you’re ready for the new episode of Doctor Who, here are all the details you need to watch Doctor Who online this week: 

 Date: Saturday, May 20

Start Time: 9 p.m. ET

 TV Channel: BBC America

Live StreamStream 1 | Stream 2

Next: Watch TV Online

Doctor Who airs every Saturday on BBC America at 9/8c. Be sure to come back on Sunday for our recap and review of the episode!