Showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa offers some juicy Riverdale spoilers, and tells what we need to look for in the season one finale.
Tonight is the big Riverdale finale. After last week’s episode, it’s hard to imagine there’s anything left to sort out. But showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa says there’s still more to come. In an interview with TVLine, he drops some major Riverdale spoilers, and we’re definitely here for it.
There’s been endless speculations about what the finale will bring. The talk about about a season-ending murder has gained quite a bit of traction, and Aguirre-Sacasa (sort of) substantiated these rumors. He explicitly told viewers to look out for Ms. Grundy’s gun. He warned, “The last we saw that gun, Betty had stolen it, and Alice had the gun. Keep an eye out for that gun. It’s very Chekhovian.”
Executive producer and showrunner Aguirre-Sacasa followed some pretty good advice of fellow producer, Greg Berlanti. Berlanti told him to leave room for the characters to breathe a little after the action is settled. Berlanti said, “Make sure in the finale, you leave enough time that you can focus on the characters.” And Aguirre-Sacasa followed this advice, musing, “it was a really good insight. For all the crazy stuff that happens up to and in the finale… there are quiet moments, and there are quiet scenes between the kids.”
"This probably means, aside from the vague promise of a new murder, that we’re going to get to focus a little more on the neglected relationships of the main four."
Although the Betty/Jughead story arc started with momentum, it hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. If you ask me, and I know no one did, they’re headed for a breakup. From what we know about Jughead’s sexual identity in the comics, and Cole Sprouse’s comments about honoring it, it looks like Riverdale’s Jughead might identify as asexual.
While this doesn’t necessitate the end to Bughead, it will present some additional tension in the progression of their relationship. I predict we’re about to see the end of this pair.
As for Veronica and Archie, I think the show is probably going in the exact opposite direction. As yet, we’ve had very little in the way of, well, going all the way. For a show with this much shirtless-ness and va-va-voom, it’s time for somebody to get it on. I doubt they go the distance in the long term, but I suspect we get to see them seal the deal.
Showrunners are also promising some major eye candy when it comes to the set. Aguirre-Sacasa promises the finale, “has our biggest, biggest set piece by far. Actually, several set pieces.” This could mean Archie and the gang are taking their show on the road. Maybe they’re going to get out and about a little. The new promo promises some emotional scenes set in the snow that might be a little Twilight-y for my taste.
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There’s also lots of promise about where season 2 will head, and the finale is sure to plant some seeds. I’ve made no secret about my hopes and dreams for a zombie-themed season 2.
But we only have to wait a few more hours to find out for ourselves.