Is There a New Saturday Night Live on Tonight, April 29?


Saturday Night Live is a cultural icon and every week it is on, we’re blessed with great sketches and hosts. But is there a new episode tonight?

The short answer is no, there is no new Saturday Night Live on tonight. Which is sad, because this show is such a blessing to us all anymore. But we do have something to look forward to. The next few episodes are promising to be pretty amazing ones.

First, next weekend show is going to be a great one. Why? Because my favorite actor is hosting and I’m excited about it. So yeah, Chris Pine is going to be a great host because I say so.

After him, comes Melissa McCarthy with HAIM as the musical guest and then the following weekend is Dwayne Johnson with musical guest Katy Perry. This is all to say if the writers strike doesn’t take over.

So fingers crossed that that strike doesn’t come to fruition and we get this amazing line up as planned! Because really, in a world as messed up as this one, Saturday Night Live is almost necessary to keep us happy and moving on!

But we’ll have to wait until next week to figure out whether or not the strike is going to be underway. Until then, plan on three weekends of amazing hosts and musical guests to keep us entertained before the show closes out its season!

Next: Saturday Night Live Season 42 Episode 17 Louis C.K Recap

So tune in next week for Chris Pine’s episode of Saturday Night Live with musical guest LCD Soundsystem! It is going to be broadcast across the United States live! Which means great for the Twittersphere and great for the show. Check back here on Culturess for a recap and news after the new episode airs.