10 Things We Want to See Happen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis)

Ph: Film Frame

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6. Will the real Supreme Leader Snoke please stand up?

The Star Wars franchise isn’t short of villains. The two big ones prior to The Force Awakens were the Emperor and Darth Vader. In my opinion, the prequels did a lot for those two guys. One, they gave the Emperor a backstory and another dimension that founded his ascension in politics. Although extremely underhanded, he proceeded fairly legally through the senate. And for Darth Vader, fans met pre-charred Anakin Skywalker and watched him evolve from child to young husband.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it, and therefore, was pleasantly surprised when Kylo Ren took off his helmet and spoke to Rey face to face. I can’t even imagine what it would be like if Darth Vader pulled off his helmet and we all saw Hayden Christensen underneath.

But let’s talk about the giant hologram in the room — Kylo Ren quite literally didn’t stack up to Snoke. I don’t care what Kylo Ren is whining about, but I do want to see how Snoke targeted him. I want to see like a Kaminoan-esque alien walking down the hall and telling General Hux to keep his trap shut.

What’s he look like? What’s his deal? What happened to his face? Is that his favorite chair?

More importantly, what color is his lightsaber?