10 Things We Want to See Happen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa in Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017). Image courtesy of Disney/Lucasfilm.

5. A wonderful story for Leia

The question that’s been on everyone’s mind since December 2016 has been what Lucasfilm will do with Carrie Fisher’s role as General Leia inThe Last Jedi. Since it’s already been confirmed that Leia won’t appear in Episode IX (at this point), that tasks Rian Johnson with creating a satisfying ending to her story.

Now, this is a journey that started back in 1977 when fans were first introduced to Leia Organa, Space Princess of the Republic. We met a young woman who was witty, capable and intent on saving everyone. It was until a couple decades later that we got the context of she was and what she survived to become the General Leia we met again in 2015.

So by satisfying ending, I mean that the whole world will be watching what Johnson and Co. choose to do. Obviously, he can possibly anger an entire legion of fans who will never leave him alone if he botches the job. He’s already fighting an uphill battle because The Force Awakens left Leia in an awkward place knowing that her son murdered the love of her life.

How do you wrap up a story that’s endured for so long in just two hours? People are talking about this, but I haven’t seen a ton of answers here either. Best of luck to Rian Johnson then.