“Agents of SHIELD” throws everything it has into the Framework, as Fitz learns more truths. We have where you can stream online for the latest episode
Agents of SHIELD is having a heck of a lot of fun with this alternate reality. And I think us fans are enjoying it, too. Even if it’s giving us a Grant Ward that’s actually a good guy, and a Fitz that is more evil than anything we ever imagined.
Aida has her hooks deep within the Framework. So deep that I’m starting to wonder if there’s more to this world than it just being lines of code.
After all, the Darkhold did help create this place. Maybe Madame Hydra’s lies to Fitz aren’t necessarily lies… maybe this truly is an alternate reality, just housed within code instead of a different plane. Then again, wouldn’t that just be a normal alternate reality?
I think I’m starting to confuse myself.
And in case you missed the very brief synopsis:
"The truth behind Fitz’s turn could bring down all of S.H.I.E.L.D."
Yes, Fitz had a lot of truth bombs levied on him after the last episode. With Radcliffe trying to explain the real universe to him–where they were partners and friends–Madame Hydra had to make a clear move.
And she did. She twisted all of her lies into a neat little package, claiming Radcliffe and his friends (Skye and Simmons and the Resistance) just want to wipe them all from existence.
It’s a fine, crazy line she and Fitz are walking. And who knows how far it will take them. Fitz already killed a woman in cold blood and he’s about to start torturing Skye/Daisy. Hold onto your butts!
Here are all the details you need to watch Agents of SHIELD online:
Date: Tuesday, April 18
Time: 10 p.m. ET
Episode: “No Regrets”
Channel: ABC
Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2
Agents of SHIELD airs new episode on Tuesdays at 10/9c. Stay tuned for recaps and analysis of every new episode right here on Culturess.