Here are 10 Things You Can Do with Family and Friends on Easter

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3. Listen to a Musical

I love musicals, they’re easy to listen to and you can just enjoy them without any real commitment to it. Okay well that’s a bit of a lie but really, musicals are great. And if you get a group of people together who love musicals and they want to listen to it with you? Even better!

For instance, I saw Sunday in the Park with George at the Hudson and have wanted someone to listen to it with me for the last three days. But sitting and listening to it alone is almost enough. Just to be able to enjoy and remember the show I got to experience it part of the magic of musical theater.

So if you haven’t really ever sat and just listened to a musical straight through, here is your chance. Take this day to experience something new. Go and pick out a musical you always wanted to listen to and just do it. Grab your headphones, go take a bath and just enjoy.

If you want to be depressed, I’d say give Sondheim a try but you’re going to have to be ready for the tears if you’re going to listen to him. But either way, please pick a good one. For me.